Discover more ways to make your group great
The Book Desserts Podcast Series
It’s never just the book that has the most impact- it’s what you do with it afterwards.
Do you have a book or are writing a book and you know you want to support your audience in taking your ideas and applying it in their lives, businesses, relationships, or careers?
One way you can do that is with a group program.
This podcast series for authors combines interviews with authors who’ve already launched their groups and other experts in groups. Many of the episodes takes published books and uses them to showcase how a group could be created from them.
The Great Group Revolution
If past experiences with groups have left you drained and disillusioned, it’s time to discover the joy and fulfillment of groups based on true connection and tangible results.
Great group experiences allow you to leverage the work you’ve already done and lead engaging, exhilarating, and successful groups without the burnout or frustration that often comes with groups.
Get access today. Each episode includes a discussion and further look into a component that contributes to a great group and an invitation for an action you can take with your own group.
Podcast Appearances
I’ve been a guest on a number of different podcasts. They all cover groups but different aspects for each.
To help make it easy, I created a playlist for all of them.